
write . publish . inspire

Simple but awesome WordPress blogging theme to tell stories of your life. With emphasis on huge images and beautiful typography, your stories will be pleasure to read.

write . publish . inspire

Simple but awesome WordPress blogging theme to tell stories of your life.
With emphasis on huge images and beautiful typography, your stories will be pleasure to read.

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Get in touch

Feel free to contact me if you find something interesting here to discuss.
I’m usually available from 5am till 3pm. I do also custom copywriting, storiewriting etc.


This whole page is custom built with the help of shortcodes available in Kopy theme. It’s like LEGO so you can change background image, icons, texts, even contact form is made by free and very user-friendly WordPress plugin Contact Form 7. Don’t be limited and do the magic by yourself.

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    Kopy Theme . Proudly powered by WordPress . Created by